The perfect shopping malls in the Kingdom of Spain

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Shopping performs a critical function in any culture presently. A well-known thinker once detected that it was the base for the prosperity of states, while still disapproving of its values and politics. He would have preferred to live as a noble savage in poverty. Most people though would not, and so we persist as a consumer society. The most spectacular beacon, or monument, of this, if you will, is the commercial centre, an object that exists exclusively for the purpose of buying things. From when the very first one was unveiled in majestic Petrograd in 1785, they have been promptly appearing all over the world, particularly in the last century. Not astoundingly, Spain is one the numerous territories that have elephantine commercial centres. We offer to take a good look at some of the very biggest ones just to get a glimpse at what Spanish consumerism looks like and how economic recovery is coming along.

Though only the seventeenth largest city in the country, A Coruna hosts one of its biggest shopping centres. Ismael Clemente Merlin Properties’ chief executive would probably argue that this is one of his firm’s best real-estate objects. The city itself is well known globally for being the very first place to have a store of a chain that is now the world’s biggest clothing retailer (you surely know it). Naturally, one of its stores is also present in the centre, but are many other stores. The mall stays with the times by keeping its customers interested through pop-up shops and mobile programs.

Some shopping malls double as places of interest. This is how Eva Marin CBRE’s manager for this Zaragoza mall considers its situation. It is Spain’s very largest malls and it keeps its audiences engaged by supplying a great deal more than solely shopping, though its outlets are great as well. For relaxation, it features an outdoors ice rink, a 120-metre zipline, and a rather large lake, as well as all the standard fare like cinemas and so forth. You can even rent a little boat and row it around the waterbed as you take a break from all the shopping.

Madrid, as the administrative centre of Spain, should correctly have the most impressive shopping centre. And it does. David Fischel recently oversaw the acquisition of a very significant commercial centre in the city by his enterprise so as to gain a more significant foothold in this region, paying the jaw-dropping price of half a billion euros. Named after a 1981 fantasy film and opened in 2003, it comes with an exceptionally impressive collection of entertainment offerings, most notably an indoor skiing slope, open all year round, even in the hottest summer days. Otherwise, it boasts having 14 anchor tenants and over two hundred different stores.

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