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We computed Cronbach's �� as GUCY1B3 a measure of the internal consistency of the test. We tested the discriminant validity of the ETAM items by calculating their Pearson correlations with the MMSE and GDS-15. The model diagnostics revealed no deviation from a normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: p = 0.475). The data analysis was carried out with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19. Results Sample Statistics The 30 elderly persons included in the study had a mean age of 80 years (SD ��8 years). The majority of the subjects (70%) were women. Their mean duration of schooling was 9 years (73%). The subjects had a mean score of 21 on the MMSE. The characteristics of the sample are summarised in table ?table11. Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample (n = 30) Item Set Of the domains and items collected by means of a literature search, we eliminated all those that (a) took >30 min to carry out, (b) could be performed only at home, and (c) were clearly gender specific. This applied, for example, to going shopping accompanied by someone else (a), using a washing machine (b), or ironing/sewing (c). Of the resulting items, caregivers especially stressed handling domestic appliances, orientation, and taking medication as important. As a result PD173074 in vivo of the feedback we received from the experts, the following modifications were made: one item that had been intended to measure the handling of domestic appliances using a hand-held vacuum cleaner had to be modified as it showed a gender-specific bias towards women, showed poor standardisation, and was too time-consuming. Instead, the handling of appliances was operationalised by an item for which an alarm clock had to be set. In 6 persons with mild dementia who participated in the pilot study, the item for measuring the preparation of food proved to be too time-consuming to perform and therefore had to be deleted. The 10 items selected for the pilot study are presented in check details table ?table2.2. Eight of these items consist of 6 sub-steps, whereas the 2 items ��giving directions�� and ��alarm clock�� were differentiated into only 3 sub-steps. One point was given per sub-step when the subject performed correctly, so that a maximum overall score of 54 points could be achieved. Table 2 Item description Results of the Pilot Study A mean of 38.1 with an SD of 6.6 was calculated for the total score. The ETAM took an average of 26 min to administer. All items were found to have item difficulties of 0.27 �� pi �� 0.79. Three of the items (deciding on the indication for medication, appraisal of traffic situations, and spatial orientation) showed discriminatory powers of rit �� 0.20. All of the other discriminatory powers were 0.28

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