10 Inquires And Responses To TRIB1

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Methods Population The cohort included 59 obese and 39 lean participants randomly recruited from a cross-sectional survey of children from Beijing aged 8�C18?years in 2013. The survey was a physical fitness and health surveillance of Beijing school students, and included a questionnaire, medical examination, anthropometric measurement and collected venipuncture blood samples (n=3143; boys 50%). Obesity was diagnosed by the Chinese age-specific and sex-specific body mass index (BMI) cut-offs (see online supplementary table S1) and fat mass percentage (FMP) >40. Leanness was diagnosed by WHO BMI cut-offs and FMP ON-01910 mouse hope to examine the methylation levels of the FAIM2 promoter in greater TRIB1 sample sizes. We obtained written informed consent from all participants (or their parents/guardians). Measurement of anthropometric parameters and biochemical analyses The anthropometric measurements included FMP, weight and height. All instruments were validated according to the methods of the manufacturers. FMP was measured using a body composition analyser (InBody 720, Biospace Co, Ltd, Seoul, Korea). BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by square of height in metres. Blood pressure was measured via auscultation using a standard clinical sphygmomanometer. Levels of triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol and fasting plasma glucose were examined using an automatic biochemical analyser (Olympus chemistry analyser AU640, Olympus Optical Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) using commercial kits (Olympus Optical Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). Measurement of sedentary behaviour and physical activity A validated questionnaire was used to investigate sedentary behaviour and physical activity find more in children. The questionnaire referred to the questionnaire used in the study by Meng et al.11 The questionnaires were completed by parents or guardians. The questions were retrospective and the questionnaire collected the data in the past 6?months. Sedentary behaviour was determined by the time spent either watching television or playing video/computer games per day in a week. Moderate physical activity (MPA) was determined by the time spent jogging or playing table tennis, or practising Tai Chi, etc, per week. High physical activity (HPA) was determined by the time spent playing football, basketball or badminton, etc, per week. HPA or MPA level was determined by the time spent on MPA or HPA per week. According to sedentary behaviour and physical activity, we stratified the participants into six groups, including sedentary behaviour

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