"You Are Fake News"

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

I do not know which it is. We're going to understand a great deal about Donald Trump in these subsequent many years.

Fake-news attacks discourse in structurally similar methods to the DDoS attacks that recently crippled internet infrastructure for a day: Hoaxes overwhelm political conversation (details, tips, stories) with junk, conscious that the rules of the system (in this case, freedom of speech) prevent it from distinguishing from legitimate” and illegitimate,” and therefore from stopping the attack.

The ominous signals coming out of D.C. point to even more operate needed at the city and state level,” said Kate Kiely, national media deputy director at the Organic Resources Defense Council. In November, the NRDC announced partnerships with 20 cities across the nation from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Houston, Texas, to make strides in renewable power.

He assumes that the neoliberal establishment press that has protected, lied, covered up and supported his eight year train wreck of a presidency to be the original true news” sources, even though now that a lot more people than ever get their news from social media far much more than his fading MSM propaganda machine, it in reality is the entity that's confirmed untrustworthy and not to be accepted on blind faith.

So, the mainstream media is right - there is fake news spreading online, and it originates inside the establishment-controlled mainstream media.

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