Suzuki Swift Somehow Doesn't Jump Over In Violent Nurburgring Drive

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Version du 4 novembre 2016 à 01:58 par Vcbxbbashbdjahd (discuter | contributions)

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mobil baru Volvo During one of the most severe Nurburgring crashes of the year, this Suzuki Swift hit the particular barriers three times before arriving at a halt on all 4 wheels. We can't be very sure,mobil baru BMW but driver error is the most probable cause since there's no reason to brush against the wall in that distinct section unless you've very seriously misjudged your speed. As soon as the initial crash, mobil baru Mazda the Quick hit the other barrier -- only this time it was an infinitely more violent impact that lifted the car upwards at an angle. The good thing is, the occupants weren't hurt and the car didn't change over despite it resembling it would for a split second once the larger impact. The airbags also deployed, though only did so just before the car found rest, following a less severe side-impact.

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