Reason Why All People Is Expounding On LY2109761

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Version du 2 mai 2017 à 07:32 par Brakearies94 (discuter | contributions)

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Most recently, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist's (AACE) Comprehensive Diabetes Management Algorithm 2013 Consensus Statement specified a LDL-P target of EPZ5676 knowledge this is the first large-scale, real-world study investigating the potential benefit of LDL-P as an aid to patient management to prevent CHD/stroke events. Administrative claims were obtained from the HealthCore Integrated Research DatabaseSM MAPK (HIRDSM). The HIRD contains eligibility, medical, and pharmacy claims for approximately 36 million members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield health plans geographically dispersed across the United States. Laboratory results (including LDL-P measurements) which had been provided to physicians and patients in the course of their normal medical care were also obtained from the HIRD and augmented with additional LDL-P and LY2109761 in vivo lipid panel data from LipoScience, Inc. Researchers only had access to a limited data set and procedures were in compliance with the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The study was approved by a central Institutional Review Board. The analysis included adults (��18 years of age) who had at least one electronic LDL-P result (CPT 83704 or LOINC 54434-6) between January 1, 2006 and September 30, 2012. Patients had to be enrolled in a commercial health plan or Medicare Advantage to be included in the study. Inclusion of LDL-P results provided by LipoScience, Inc. increased the total available sample size by approximately 13%, relative to the sample based solely on HIRD data. The study design was comprised of two parts: Part 1 (CHD Incidence), an observational cohort study comparing CHD risk among patients with varying levels of LDL-P to inform optimal LDL-P targets, and Part 2 (LDL-P vs. LDL-C Comparison), an observational cohort study comparing CHD, stroke, and combined CHD/stroke risk between patients achieving pre-specified targets for LDL-C and LDL-P. To assess the frequency of CHD events across LDL-P thresholds, all patients with at least 1 LDL-P result were included. The index date was defined as the date of the most recently available LDL-P result preceding a CHD event, or the end of the follow-up period for patients who did not have a CHD event.

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